What exactly does this mean? I mean, I try to make healthy alternatives to my favorite foods. Like a low sugar ice cream and a healthier version of a delicious smoothy, but I wound't go as far as saying that it is good for you unless it is packed with replentishing vitamins and minerals.
I hear this phrase quite a bit and I am starting to get sick of it. I know most people say it to cover the fact that they made an item better for you than the original sin, but it is not good for you. My definition of "Good For You" is that you should be able to eat as much as you want and it will help you in replentishing your vatimins and minerals and make you feel better about yourself after eating it. When I eat a turkey burger, I am happy that I ate something that was better for me that red meat but I wouldn't eat it a lot on a regular basis because the protein in it is good for me, to much will make me fat and possible heart attack because of the fats.
I can see right now that this article might suggest to be a stricked vegetarian because those items are good for you. There are other items that are good for you and would be better for you if we, HUMANS, did polute the water and air. Because fish would be good for you because of the good omega fatty acids that are in the meat and also high concentrate of protein found in the meat. BUT, due to our polution mercury levels are inceasing every year and making people sick from eating to much.
I don't know what the evolution schema had in mind for the dietary intake for humans, but I see nothing but benefits in eating more veggies, fruits, whole grains, and little meat than what is suggested. OK, don't hate me but in future articles I will promote eating more meat in your diet to gain muscle and increase your weight lifting performance. You just have to take the protein where ever you can get them. But, if you are planning on losing weight, then I would suggest to decrease meat in take and increase veggy, fruit, and whole grain intake. Those three are "good for you," this is something that my wife knows and promotes because she does a great job in recreating healthy treats by using these three as a driving factor for essential ingredients.
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