My wife is currently on a diet that was needed because our new daughter, Kiana. She is having allergies which are related to foods that my wife is eating. My wife is nursing so that means what she eats passes to my daughter as-well. The diet that we are on (my own choice) is an elimination diet. The foods that we can eat are potatoes, rice, turkey, and one or two different fruits. The full diet after the elimination phase (2 weeks) consists of adding two different foods every week and see if a allergy breaks out. If it does then you have to start all over again, and that sucks. I am doing this because I want to try to eat more whole foods which ultimately means less chemicals in my body.
My wife has allowed me to go outside the diets specs, just for the fact that I need more protein than she does and in order to stay within our budget I am eating a lot of tuna.......a lot...I like tuna.....a lot. :)
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