Thursday, April 05, 2007

Coconut Oil - How bad is it? It's not!

This just proves that the FDA and the American health and nutrition experts still do not understand the foods we eat and the medicine we use. They promoted that coconut oil was bad for over 50 years but to be complete opposite of all of the good that it promotes. Please read the benefits of the oil and you make the decision yourself.

Authors comments: "I could not believe that something natural could be bad for our consumption. Anything natural we have evolved to and should not be bad but a benefit.

Immune Support

  • Coconut oil is rich in medium chain fatty acids and monoglycerides which have immune-boosting and antioxidant activity and are antimicrobial, according to Dr. Jon J. Kabara (2001)
  • Lauric acid (which makes up about 50% of coconut oil), and its derivative monolaurin, support the immune system and may dampen or prevent toxic/allergic reactions - as well as playing a role in destroying pathogens like HIV, herpes, and the flu (Dr. Mary G. Enig, 2001)
Metabolism and Thyroid

  • Coconut oil may boost the metabolism and improves thyroid health (unlike soy or canola, which can suppress the thyroid). Animals fed on “cheap coconut oil for fattening” in the 1940s became more active and were leaner, as opposed to animals fed on corn and soybeans. Corn and soy feed were used to replace thyroid-suppressant drugs that were given to animals to make them sluggish and heavier (Dr. Ray Peat, 2001)

Blood Sugar

  • Coconut oil appears to stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent symptoms of hypoglycemia (Peat, 2001)


  • Coconut oil, unlike most fats, has been noted in two 1995 and 1988 studies as a “neutral fat,” having no negative impact on cholesterol or the health of the arteries (Enig, 2001). A 1989 study showed that men who were accustomed to coconut oil in their diet demonstrated undesirable changes in their HDL-LDL cholesterol ratio when corn oil was substituted instead of coconut in the diet
  • Coconut oil feeding resulted in lower serum cholesterol than olive oil in a cholesterol study in 1997, and a 1994 study showed similar results when comparing coconut to olive and corn oils.

No Rancidity

  • Unsaturated oils oxidize at high temperatures and go rancid - outside and inside the body. Unlike other cooking fats - including olive oil - coconut oil is not damaged at high heat, nor does it contain any (“partially hydrogenated”) trans fats which have been linked to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, high LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, and obesity (Dr. Mary Enig, 2000)

Raw Food Diets

  • Raw coconuts and coconut oil are widely recommended in raw food diets, some of the healthiest diets for weight loss and cleansing

Coconut’s Undeserved Bad Reputation: Where did it come from?

According to Dr. Mary G. Enig (2001), “The coconut industry has suffered more than three decades of abusive rhetoric from the consumer activist group Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), from the American Soybean Association (ASA) and other members of the edible oil industry, and from those who learned their misinformation from groups like CSPI and ASA.”

It all began in the late 1950s with the misinterpretation of several studies showing the health impact of polyunsaturated and saturated fats (Enig, 2001). These studies were used by various groups, including the CSPI and the FDA, to make a case that partially hydrogenated (trans) oils were the healthy ones, while coconut and palm oil were called “cheaper artery-clogging oils from Malaysia and Indonesia.”

In the 1960s, 70s and 80s, several American health boards (some of which had originally been in favor of the more stable saturated fats over unstable unsaturated and trans fat) began to use the same misinformation to promote domestic corn, soy, and other oils over foreign coconut, palm and palm kernel oils, under the guise of sage health advice.

Search Link:
Google Search For Coconut Oil

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