Friday, April 24, 2009

Importance of Omega 3 Video

I received a comment from a reader yesterday about the Omega 6: Omega 3 ratio post stating how she thought I would be interested in this video...I was and it was very cool to show an Omega 3 nourished rat over an Omega 3 malnourished rat. Comes to show how eating your greens and the proper meats really will go a long way with human development and maintenance. I have recently started adding crushed flax seed to my eggs after I cook them in the morning to make sure that I get a good dose of some Omega 3 right away in the morning. I also eat tuna and salmon regularly because it is such an important fatty acid that most Americans lack.

With our kids, we have always been concerned with their diet especially with getting the right amounts of Omega 3 and that is why we nursed them both till they were two years old. World average for nursing is in the area of 4 years and national standard for US has now been bumped up to 2 is about time.

I hope you enjoy the video as much as I did...short and to the point.

Thank you very much Susan Allport for the video and good luck with the book. Susan Allport is the author of "The Queen of Fats" and if you wish to learn more, please go to her website to read more about Omega 3.

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