Monday, January 15, 2007

For the pregnant women

I have a friend who is currently pregnant and she was wondering about exercising. Her question was, "Can I still exercise now that I am pregnant?" With all of the doctors that I have talked to and all of the documents that I have read, the answer is yes. You can still exercise but you will start slowing down as you get bigger. One exercise that a pregnant women should stop doing is jogging, because the jaring might hurt the baby. Otherwise exercise equipment that is low impact on the body will be low impact on the baby.

I have read that most women who used to exercise a lot move down to walking a lot. They will try to walk the same length of time as they would jogging or biking. Others want to walk a slow rate but at a longer distance. I would suggest any women to move down to long distance walking at a slow rate. This way you will insure that you are not harming the baby by jogging or anything that jar the body. Increasing the distance and slowing down the speed will also allow you to still burn the calories but doing it at a gentle rate.

MOST IMPORTANTLY! Drink a lot of water during this. You do not want to get dehydrated because that will cause false labor which happened to my wife once. If you have any questions on this please let me know and I can direct you to the right people or site some resources.

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