Friday, January 19, 2007

To Much Water Can Kill

How in the hell can the giver of live, found in all living things, be able able to kill a person because they drank a lot of it. You would think that it would simply just go through your system and come out in your urine....kinda. The body can only get rid of the water at such a rate. Please review this link for water intoxication.

The reason why this post has come about is because a local radio station had a test for the listeners and that was to drink two gallons of water the quickest. A nurse called the radio station to warn them of this terrible challenge and how deadly it was. They said that they were legally secure so the person can perform this challenge. The lady was married and had children and once she got started on the challenge and was almost done, she died of water intoxication. I guess the story of too much of a good thing is not good...actually pertains to this person.

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