Thursday, June 21, 2007

Americans are spoiled

I recently had the oportunity to travel to China for business. While I was over there, I had some questions to ask the locals about eating and exercise. First off, Americans are the largest consumers of soda in the world. Every meal that I ordered they offered some kind of soda instead of a bowl of soap which is what everyone else gets. I turned down the soda and got the soap because I wanted to experience their culture and eating habits.

All of the fruits, vegetables, and meat over there is mostly organic (disregard anything that is imported, not organic). Farms are all over the place. They do not waste any space whatsoever. There were farms right next to the landing field for my flight coming it. I also noticed that if their was an opening on the side of the road....there was a farm. (When I say farm I mean a greenhouse. I have a garden in my back yard and when I should it to the people that I was training, they thought I had a farm. So I am using that in comparison.)

When I was over their I ate nothing but the local food. I noticed that the food that I was eating was not that much and I was getting full off of it. It was so weird that I would eat a bowl of food that would normally make me want to get seconds, would actually fill me up. The book that I have been reading, tells me that this would happen and it is actually true. I wish organic food was not so expensive. I guess you would have to have a garden that would be all-years-round.

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