Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Partners for Cardio.....

In the day and age that people are busy with their lives, we find ourselves to busy to follow through on previous engagements or start engagements because we don't know if something else will be scheduled and more enjoyable. This will interfere with the exercise schedule that you are trying to get into or keep up with.

I have been trying to get into racquetball and I want to play with a co-worker but he is single and not able to commit to this sport because he wants to explore more options and "play." I don't blame him, I would do that to if I was single and did not have kids.

I have no solution besides the fact that if you want to do something then you have to know what to give up in order to get it done.

Related Articles:
Racquetball Rules!


Unknown said...

check out meetandplay.com They have an entire site their dedicated to finding people to play with and racquetball in general.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much JT. I will look into this site and hopefully I can find something to help me find an opponent.