Saturday, December 30, 2006

Weight Increase - Who gained it?

All right! Who gained the weight over Christmas... I know you are out there. I know I might have place a couple of pounds somewhere but usually after Christmas and New Years, I lose the weight over again and will be back to the usual weight in a couple of weeks.

Now there is a little time to write down what your goals are for the upcoming year. It is a good idea to write down what your goal is for losing weight and/or gaining muscle. I personally have another child on the way and she will be taking up a lot of my time so I might not be able to hit the gym like I normally do but I have an elliptical machine in the basement so I will be spending time on that instead. I guess my wife will finally have what she wanted, me to stop lifting and just do cardio.

BORING! Is my response to that.

I hope everyone has a great New Year and I will talk to you next year.

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